Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Holiday Survival Tactics

I have read some reports that state that Americans gain an average of 5-7 pounds over the Holiday season.  In reality, it is really only a 1-2 pound average gain of fat over that period.  People who are already unhealthy eaters or overweight already may pack on more pounds and I am going to try my hardest not to be one of the Americans who gain the most amount of weight this year.  Coming up with a personal tactic as to how to accomplish this seemingly small, but huge to me, goal had me researching a lot of my favorite bloggers in the fitness and nutrition world to come up with a personal plan.  One huge thing that I have learned is that One Plan Does NOT Fit All...Sort of like the One Size Fits All.

I am not sure if it's going to happen but I am going to try to hit the gym on Thanksgiving morning for a quick HIIT weight session and will pull out one of JillFit's 20x20 workouts for the occasion.  From what I have come to understand, after an intense weight lifting session that focusing on intensity over time, your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate over just doing cardio. The extra carbs that you will eat at your holiday feast will go toward muscle repair and growth rather than stored as fat. You do not need to spend 2 hours on the treadmill.

Now to the eating plan...There are two different views on how to enjoy the holiday feast and not spiral out of control. One is to use it as a "Cheat Meal".  I really hate that term but will use it here anyway. With this "C-Meal" you chose to eat whatever and how much you want to but the next meal, you will have to go back to your "plan", whatever that may be. Because I know myself, getting back under control after doing something like this is tough. The other view on this is to still stick close to a fat-loss style of eating with dividing up your plate with 1/4 lean protein, 1/2 veggies and 1/4 starches like the stuffing and potatoes. If you plan on drinking the wine or having dessert, reduce the carbs on your plate.  This way totally fits in with the 21 Day Fix style of eating that I am used to. In the 21 Day Fix, you can swap out a "Yellow Container", your carbs, for a treat such as wine or dessert. Since it's the holiday, I am going to do a combo of both plans.  I will plan on having more green veggies on my table and plate, but have a feeling the sweet potato and stuffing with be a little more than a 1/4 of my plate. It is Thanksgiving and sweet potato and stuffing just make the meal, right??? And I am going to have a few glasses of wine and not swap out a carb for it either but will also have a pitcher of ice water for frequent refills of the water glass. The next meal will have me back following the 21 Day Fix eating method.  I am going to enjoy the holiday meal with my family, not deprive myself of  the traditional American feast but also not treat it as The Last Supper!

What strategy are you going to take this year to survive the Holiday Season without having to start all over again come January? Do you want to be part of my "No Resolution Revolution"?

Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Update on my #54by54 Goal

When I started on this weight loss journey again for the gazillonth time, I made a goal to lose 54 pounds by my 54th birthday that came and went a couple weeks ago and now I am just getting back to blog about my goal.  I did not meet that goal I set for myself but, you know what? That's okay.  I successfully lost 42 pounds. There have been some ups and downs over the last 10 months in the number on the scale as well as some binge eating of things I knew I should just have a bite or two and leave the rest. And that is okay too. If I do not allow myself to go totally off plan for a day or so, I would not have been as successful as I have been and I probably would be finding those 42 pounds that were lost as I have done in the past. I am still shooting for that magical number on the scale and am still keeping that first 54 pound weight loss as my first goal but not putting a time limit on hitting it. One pound at a time!

I am blessed to have a lot of support from so many sources. First and foremost is my husband. No complaints when he is the recipient of dishes from my test kitchen...And yes, some that I won't make again! My sister who is on her own journey is another. We share our successes and what drives us crazy. There are a couple of groups who have been huge supporters. My group exercise gym friends are always there with a compliment a smile and commiseration when we go through a particularly tough class and my newly found Beachbody family.

When I signed up a Beachbody Coach to get a discount on my Shakeology, I joined "The Fit Life" team who are an amazing, inspiring and supportive group. They are there with Challenge Groups to keep me on track and help with the business building aspect of the team. While it is has not been a money making venture for me, I have had a lot of personal development and have truly loved sharing my wonderful experiences with their products. I can say that I love the more confident person I am becoming. I love being able to share this confidence with my family and friends!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day One of New Program

I started a new Beachbody program by Chalene Johnson called PiYo. Well, it's a new program to me! I am pretty excited as I really enjoy a class I take at my gym that is a blend of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates and find it a awesome strength and core workout. I am still going to be following the 21 Day Fix Clean Eating nutrition plan and solidifying the fundamentals I have learned over the last few months and do some weight training at the gym. The beauty of PiYo is not needing any additional equipment other than a yoga mat. Only having a set of 5lb dumbbells really limited me in the exercise portion of the 21 Day Fix.

My PiYo set contained 5 DVD's.
  • Align: The Fundamentals, Define: Lower and Upper Body and Sweat 
  • Core, Buns and Strength Intervals 
  • Drench, Sculpt and a bonus TurboFire HIIT workout 
  • Strength, using slides
  • Hardcore on the Floor
Since today was the first day, I completed the first portion on the first DVD, "The Fundamentals". Chalene introduced the program and had 3 participants demonstrated the poses and moves for approximately 40 minutes. As with the 21 Day Fix, there is a participant who does the lower difficulty options as well as one doing the more advanced moves. Chalene really explains the poses well and shows the correct and incorrect alignment. If you are new to yoga, I would suggest doing this in front of a mirror where you can see your alignment. I have personally been in a yoga class where my alignment was corrected by the instructor ad I thought I was doing everything correctly. There are a couple moves that I am not only going to have to gain strength but confidence to do and will be a challenge for sure. The first is the PiYo flip and the second is the Beast to the Kick through...Here's a demo from Chalene herself!

Would love to have someone join me in my PiYo journey! Shoot me an email or comment if you want in.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Are you "On a Diet"?

Are you "on a diet"? As I mentioned before, I have been "on" many diets for as long I can remember. As many diets I have been "on", there are that many diets that I have been "off". I think the problem with "diet" plans, is that they are not sustainable long term.  Will you lose weight on a grilled chicken and steamed asparagus diet?  How about eating Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers frozen entrees and 100 calorie packs?  We even did a baked potato diet at one time. Yes, lost weight each and every time and guess what?  That lost weight was found again...and quickly after I went back to me normal eating habits.

The road I am traveling on this time is more of a winding road. It started the end of January when my weight crept back up almost to my highest. I knew I had to go about this a different way. I signed up for a personal trainer for 6 months. Ally not only worked out my body but my mind also. We talked nutrition. She lent me a Tosca Reno Clean Eating book and I started changing my mindset. When our contract was up, I decided to start this blog and that's where the road curved a little.  I ordered the 21 Day Fix from Beachbody.  Yes, another "diet" plan. But this plan was a little different as it really is clean eating simplified by using different color coded containers to balance out your nutritional macros. And I highly recommend it to anyone new to the clean eating concept and to get your portions back under control. While I do not use the little containers any longer and count colors, I still am eating a 30/40/40 macro split and am smart in the choices I am making.

I mentioned Jill Coleman of JillFit in a previous post and I so totally believe in what she preaches...Moderation365 and also figuring out what your "non-negotiables" are. Hers are half and half in her coffee, good cheese and fine wine. Mine...they are a little broader as I am still new to the game and figuring it all out. Last week, my husband and I wanted pizza for dinner so we went out to a local pizza joint and had pizza. This time, I only had 2 slices and was mindful about it. I was satisfied and proud that I did not have 4 slices that would have happened earlier this year. In general terms, pizza with white flour crust is not "Fix-Approved", a term thrown around the message boards discussing the plan but I made the choice to go "off-plan" and it was all okay. I did not gain 40 pounds back because of it. My efforts in losing this weight was not wasted nor my results affected by going "off-plan" for a meal...And I am still slowly losing weight. It is my choice to work at this lifestyle change and lose the weight slowly while still enjoying myself. And I do find joy in eating pizza with my husband...And even a Slider and wine lunch with dear friends like I had yesterday afternoon.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Striving for Moderation

For as long as I have remembered, and have the family slides to prove it, I have always had some extra weight on me and have struggled with it. My entire adulthood, and even now at 53 years old, I still find myself battling yet again. What? Another "diet plan"? But this time, with some help from Beachbody and a couple other bloggers I have been following, I am not on a diet. I am following a healthy and balanced nutrition plan where there are no "Not Allowed" foods. You can make the choice to eat whatever you want...Everything in Moderation, or as Jill Coleman, my new BFF, coined #moderation365. 

Right now, I am sitting outside of our little camper at 6:30 in the morning in the middle of a field in WV on day 5 of a 10 day vacation. I am reflecting on the nutritional choices I have made these past few days and, all in all, I have done well. Maybe a few more peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets than I should have gone with but I made that choice and I own it. This annual vacation, a camping reunion party with about 1500 people usually throws me off of the proverbial wagon and I crash and burn. I eat and drink whatever I want to for 10 glorious days. That is not entirely a problem but I never have been able to drag myself back up onto that wagon. That is where this year is a little different. I am more conscious of the choices I am making. Thinking and planning these choices. Yes, last night I did have a couple glasses of wine and wonderfully good cheese. My choice, no regrets. Life is too short not to be able to enjoy good wine and cheese. Especially with good friends! For the next 5 days, I will have more choices to make and when I get back home to a more structured environment, I will still be on that wagon. I will get back to my fitness and clean and balanced nutrition plan not because I have to but because that is who I am becoming. healthy and fit, both in body and mind. "Get your mind right and your physique will follow" #mindsetmakeover This will NOT be me ever again!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Scale Is Not Your Friend...or is it?

How often do you step on the scale?  Over the many years with weight-loss struggles and "diet" plans, I was told that while on a weight loss plan, do not weigh yourself more than once a week. And I never did follow that advice.  I have a confession...I step on that scale every day now that I am actively trying to lose weight.  Now it turns out that doing this might not be a bad thing.

A study recently published in the Journal of Obesity suggests that frequently weighing oneself and looking at the progress on a chart every day is an effective way to lose a modest amount of weight and - just as importantly - keep it off.  I like the sound of that last part as this is something I have had a real hard time with.  In this study, the participants were monitored over a 2 year period and were instructed to lose a small amount of weight, only a 1% loss and maintain that loss for a period 10 days before losing another 1%, up until a 10% loss is obtained. This is only between a 100-150 calorie reduction and is a very safe way to lose weight...slowly.  Half of the group was give a scale and instructions to weigh daily and record the number in a computer program and the control group had the same goal of ultimately losing 10% of their body weight but not the instruction to weigh daily.

At the end of the first year, both groups lost weight but the group that weighed in and charted those weights, lost significantly more.  During the second year, the control group added  weight charting and experienced the same losses as the first group while the first group was able to maintain their original weight-loss.  It was noted that men were more successful than women and further research is warranted to determine what individual characteristics play a role.

Do you think that you are the type of person who would benefit from this?  I know someone who already does weigh and chart daily and another who weighs themselves on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Monday to see how well they stuck to the plan over the weekend, Wednesday to see a more accurate weight without weekend water retention, and again on Friday to go into the weekend with a plan to stay on track.  Both are experiencing good results.  If you are the type of person who is emotional about the number on the scale ad can rationalize daily weight fluctuation, give it a try.  I am going to start charting the Monday, Wednesday, Friday days for my own research. One warning for those who workout hard and have soreness. Skip stepping on that scale that day as it will be skewed due to the water retention that needs to happen to repair and build the muscle fibers you tore by training.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Why Coaching?

I have been asked a few times over the last couple weeks why I decided to become a Beachbody Coach. What makes me, a 53 year old with a track record of yo-yo dieting since my teens with no nutrition or fitness qualifications, think I can "coach" in these subjects?

At first, the reason I became a coach was purely selfish. If I signed up to be a coach I would get a small discount on my Beachbody products and I was all about saving a little bit of money. Then I started actually using both the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology...This was the game changer. I started to see real results and these results were happening without any sense of deprivation. I needed to learn more about the products, and the science behind the nutrition plans. Sharing this knowledge and being asked questions just made me want to learn more.  It is also helping me to stay on the program. If I am going to talk the talk, I need to walk the walk!

I also really like to help and encourage other people. I am one of the first people to welcome newcomers to our gym's group exercise classes, make sure that they are comfortable with any equipment set-up and introduce them to other regulars and the instructor. Again, this might be selfish on my part too! When I touch other people and make them happy, it makes me happy and is a confidence booster. Coaching gives me a chance to be able to positively impact someone's life.

So what do you think makes a good coach? Have you ever thought about being a coach or are you working as a coach now? I would love to hear from you!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Progress Not Perfection

"Progress, not Perfection" is something that I keep on repeating to myself. I heard this statement in a radio interview with an up and coming race car driver who was paralyzed in a crash. He was told this by one of his Physical or Occupational Therapists during his recovery and fight to regain his strength and, hopefully, the ability to walk again and it rings true in whatever goal you are working toward.

While I am striving for a downward trend of the number on the scale and my Body Fat composition, the reality is that there has been, and will be some, upward spikes. As long as the overall trend continues to be in a negative slope. I will be pleased. As soon as the slope starts to trend positive, I will have to re-adjust and get back on the proverbial wagon. That wagon that I have fallen off many times before and have not been able to haul myself back up in a timely manner. That wagon that may leave me a little worse for wear but not broken. I will hang on this time...or maybe get dragged a little but I WILL not let go!

Last week I got out of my comfort zone a little and shared a "work in progress" picture on Facebook showing the change in my body since I started with Beachbody. The "Before" picture was taken after I had lost 20lbs in a Challenge at my home gym. When that Challenge ended, some old habits crept back and I had put on about 6lbs before I found 21 Day Fix. If it was not for these photos, I would not have been able to see the transformation. I am looking forward to the day that these really will be "Before/After" and "After the After". Until then, I will continue to make imperfect progress toward those goals.
June 20/July 29, 2015

June 20/July 29,2015

In addition to the scale, I hope that you will take measurements and pictures not just to document your journey but to show that the number on the scale is not the only measurement to show progress. This is especially true if you only have the last 10-20lbs to lose or if you are starting a new program to "tone up" or build some muscle. Beachbody has some great programs for everyone so if you are interested, send me an email, and I will help find the right program for you!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Starfish Story: Every 1 Matters

From July 16-18th, there was an event in Nashville sponsored by Beachbody called "Summit" where many thousands of Beachbody Coaches got together to learn about new Beachbody products and how to grow their business. There were "Celebrity Trainers" in attendance including some names you might know including Tony Horton of P90X fame, Chalene Johnson, Shaun T and Autumn Calabrese. All the bigwigs, including Beachbody's CEO, were there. While the new products being released this year are awesome and I am looking forward to trying many of them, the event was held to celebrate the successes of so many. Not just the Gazillion Star Diamond Coaches who are amazing at what they do but the individuals who Beachbody Coaches have helped. One of the ongoing themes of this Summit was "Every 1 Matters". During the opening session, the CEO of the company came out in a starfish costume and made reference of to The Starfish Story and how Beachbody was similar to the young lady in the story.

What a great analogy and the theme was carried throughout. Many stories were told of folks gaining control of their lives and thanking their interaction with that one person, in particular their Beachbody Coach, who told them that they matter. During the live workouts on Saturday morning that were streamed On-Demand, I saw hundreds of people in the streets of downtown Nashville. There were men and women, some fit and others not so fit, all together united in fitness. Some looked just like me...And they were out there in the Nashville street right up front of that stage doing their best to do the moves like the trainers were instructing. Like they mattered. Later that afternoon, I saw a picture of Tony Horton with one of his sayings on his t-shirt, "Do Your Best and Forget The Rest". This is so true! Not all of us can be "The Best" but we can do our best.

One of the highlights for me during the Closing Ceremony was the announcement of the 2015 Beachbody Challenge winners. All of the finalists had amazing transformations. Some lost a lot of weight and changed their body composition using Beachbody's products but all of them came to the realization that they mattered. They were worth it. They mattered to themselves, they mattered to their loved ones.

So the next time you think about why you are focusing on your health and wellness, remember that you matter. Every1matters. Reach out to like-minded people who understand your doubts and struggles. Whether it be a Beachbody Coach like me, or someone else for support and help in reaching your goals. Before I started with Beachbody, I had, and still do, a wonderful support system at my gym full of like-minded individuals who encourage me and help me back up when I stumble and fall...Sometimes literally! So, show up, "Do Your Best and Forget the Rest". And reach out to me anytime you need any support with a Beachbody program or even any other program you may be using because you do matter!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

CizeItUp (Dance Fitness) is almost here

If I did not try them, I would never have believed I would like to workout at home to any exercise DVD. When I started the 21 Day Fix I really thought that I would not feel anything from the included plan workouts but was I wrong. They were as intense as any workout I have done in the gym.

Now Shaun T, from Beachbody's Insanity, Hip Hop Abs and T25 fame, is coming out with a new Dance Fitness exercise program called CIZE. Being a Club member of Team Beachbody, I was able to have a sneak peak into the program on-demand. I always say that I am a typical "middle-aged white woman" and I cannot dance but took the challenge to try CIZE out. Now I still cannot dance but boy was it fun trying and I am sure that I burned some extra calories by laughing trying to get the moves. After the step-by-step instruction from Shaun T, and a few run- throughs of the complete dance, my heart rate monitor showed a 445 calorie burn. And even better was that I was able to do it in the privacy of my living room! I am so excited for the launch of this program and am going to start up a Private Facebook Challenge Group on August 1st for anyone who wants to join me in sharing your experience with the program as it hits the ground running. I might even get the video camera out and record myself as I run through the program with everyone so we can all share in the laughter! Here is a link to my CIZE Dance Party Test Group and I will send you purchasing details as soon as it is available and add you to the private Challenge Group page.

Here is a video clip from another Beachbody Coach who had the chance to be part of the Cize test group. Maybe someday I will be able to dance like her but in the meantime, I am going to have fun trying! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3K-s6gX30c
(Fast forward to 1:48 to see the actual routine!)

As always, feel free to email me with any questions or comment below.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Are you your own worst critic?

I know I am. A couple weeks ago I went to a yoga event and there were pictures taken during the practice. When I saw a picture of me in Warrior I pose that was posted on a Social Media site, I did not see how low and square my hips were. I only saw my stomach. Then I saw how my shoulders were bunched up around my ears and not open. Instead of rejoicing that I was able to go to this event and participate in a Flow Yoga practice with my sister-in-law and a friend, I focused on the negative. And it happened again yesterday. I had a session with my personal trainer who had me run a timed mile on the treadmill followed by an upper body weight training sequence. As I faced the mirror and looked at my reflection to do shoulder presses with 20 lb dumbbells, the first thing I saw was my fat stomach. And then I got angry with myself which brought the tears to my eyes just like they are now as I am writing this. Why can I not see and celebrate the 25 pounds I lost since the end of January? Why can I not celebrate the fact that I was able to ride my bike the ~2 miles to the gym and then run/walk a 13-plus minute mile? What can I not celebrate the fact that I have two 20 pound dumbbells that I am going to do shoulder presses with? All pretty good accomplishments, if I do say so myself!

I made a vow to myself to stop the negative self-talk, acknowledge my progress and see myself like others see me. My progress might be slow and the line might not be linear, but the number on the scale is going down and the weights I am lifting are going up. And I am going to use that Warrior I as a training tool and will open my heart and rejoice in the fact that I am healthy and happy. No need to bunch up those shoulders!

So be proud of each step you take and tell your mind to SHUT UP!

Monday, June 29, 2015

21 Day Fix Commitment complete

When I started this blog as a way to get me back under, and keep, control of my nutrition, my friend convinced me to sign up for the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack with Shakeology and review it here. She said, "Sign up as a Coach, you will get a discount. I am sure you will be a great Coach!" Well, I was all about getting the discount but knew the "Coaching" thing was not me. There have been a lot changes in a mere 21 Days and I am not just talking about the number on the scale and the inches lost. I have been convinced that Beachbody puts out quality products and is a responsible company. And I am even promoting their products!
Back to the results of my commitment of following the nutrition plan for 21 days. I lost 10 lbs and 8 inches overall, if my tape measurements were accurate. Not too shabby, if I so say so myself!  While I am pleased with the losses, I am more pleased with myself and opening my mind to yet another "weight loss plan". I have lost weight using many plans that included eating prepackaged food (YUCK), counting "thingies", low-fat, low-carb, sugar detox. What really impressed me about the 21 Day Fix is that it uses real food and other than the containers, there is no other required purchase to follow the plan. I will talk about Shakeology in a bit. It does not make any food "illegal" and is a balanced 40% Carb, 30% Protein and 30% Fat breakdown of the nutrition macros. Another part of the plan is the exercise portion. It comes with DVDs containing exercises and a schedule to follow. The exercise commitment is 30 mins and they are interval based using either dumbbells or exercise bands and they really are no joke. You really do get a good whole body workout and will retain, if not build, your muscle mass with eating with a calorie deficit.

Okay, now about the Shakeology. Yes, it is pricey. No, you do not have to buy it to follow the plan. It is another thing that I was skeptical about but again, I have become a convert. It is really a meal replacement that has curbed my cravings and helped in appetite control. When I do not have my Shakeo, I find myself hungry faster and looking for snacks between planned meals. It also is chock-full of vitamins and minerals including biotin and my nails have never been this strong. I am terrible at taking my vitamin supplements so this is perfect for me!

So what is next for me after the completion of this commitment? Am I done?  No way! I am going to go on to complete a second round...and most likely the second will not be the last! If you want to join me on this journey, I would love the company. Here the links to compare and purchase the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge packs including Shakeology or if you want, you can order without Shakeology or even Shakeology alone!

Feel free to comment or email me with any questions.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

21 Day Fix: Exercise Portion (It's Only 30 minutes!)

As stated in a previous post, I have a gym membership and go regularly to my Group Exercise classes and love them. As part of the 21 Day Fix​ nutrition plan, there are DVDs with 30 minute workouts included. Last week I did the Total Body Cardio Fix and this week I did the "Upper Fix", "Lower Fix" and "Pilates Fix". As with the Total Body Cardio Fix, these are also interval based so there is a cardio aspect too and sometimes one single minute can seem like an eternity. Autumn Calabrese, the trainer is energetic and keeps you going but I do think that trainer minutes are longer than the normal 60 second minute! She walks around to encourage, correct form and even joke around with the participants in the video. It's almost like a mini group exercise in your living room.

Out of all of these, the Pilates Fix is my least favorite...Maybe because I need it the most. Ha! The "Active Recovery" Pilates kicks my tail for sure! I think this will be my before dinner activity a few days a week in addition to the regular classes and weight training I already do.

If you are a seasoned exerciser or in really good shape, these might be a little elementary but you can always increase the intensity by getting heavier weights. I am looking forward to seeing what the differences are in the 21 Day Fix Extreme program that cleans up the nutrition a little more and also increases the intensity of the exercise DVDs.

Something else that I am going to be looking into is the Beachbody-on-Demand that is included in the Club membership. There are so many exercise options there and they will come in handy come winter when my beloved classes are disrupted due to the winter precipitation that feels like a distant and not so fond memory.

I never though that I, the Group Exercise Junkie that I am, will say that these DVDs really do give me a great all-around workout and I am definably going to keep these in my wheelhouse when I cannot get to the gym or even when traveling.

Let me know if you want these option in your wheelhouse too! You can contact me via email or through my Beachbody page. I am sure you will not regret it.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

14 Days of 21 on the 21DayFix

It has been 14 days since I committed to following Beachbody's 21 Day Fix nutrition plan with it's anything but "gimicky" little colored containers and Shakeology. I even tried one of their DVD workouts, Total Body Cardio Fix. Wow...No other words...I did post a more detailed review of Total Body Cardio Fix but, what I did not know when I posted that review, was how my inner thighs and quads were going to feel. Let's just say that I was reintroduced to my foam roller!

I weighed in and lost another 3 pounds so that is a total of 9 pounds gone in 2 weeks. This was accomplished really with only the change in my diet. I have been following the same workouts I was doing before I started the 21 Day Fix. While I was trying to eat "clean" and watch my portions before, I had way too many "cheat" meals so starting this plan was just what I needed to get back into control. What I learned during these two weeks is that I do not eat enough proteins or complex carbs. It is really hard to get out of the "diet" mentality of eating "low-carb" or "low-fat". This plan offers balanced nutrition combined with portion control so I have not felt deprived at all. Part of that might also be because of the Shakeology. I really thought that I would be all over the Chocolate but ordered a variety pack to try all of the available flavors. These are my favorites in order. Vanilla due to the add-ins that totally change the game, Tropical Strawberry tastes like a strawberry milkshake, Greenberry is tangy and refreshing and then the Vegan Chocolate and regular Chocolate. While these might be helping with cravings and not feeling deprived, my fingernails are growing like crazy and are stronger than before. Maybe a coincidence but may be because of the ingredients in Shakeology. Beachbody does claim that it is the healthiest meal of the day!

One more week on this round before I take my measurements to see the inches lost along with the pounds. But I am not stopping there. I am going to go another round with 21 Day Fix to if you want to join me, there is a special on the 21 Day Fix Challenge Packs including Shakeology until the end of June. Shoot me an email or purchase the plan though my team page. If you do decide to jump in, I can add you to my coaches team page so that you can have any questions answered and the support you need to get going on your way to being Healthy and Fit!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Les Mills BodyVive Transformation

A couple years ago, the Gold's Gym franchise I am a member of introduced BodyVive into their class lineup. I had asked a family member, who has been in the physical fitness arena as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise instructor for years, if she knew anything about this format. She said that it had the reputation of being "Old Lady Aerobics" class. I thought, "Perfect for me!" and went to a few classes. There was the "Vive Ball", a small 10 inch or there about light ball, used in the choreography to help engage the Core. The cardio portion of the class was fairly simple and low impact and I can see why it was geared toward the older clientele. It was an "okay" class but not my favorite of the Les Mills formats.

Fast forward a couple years and Les Mills International, always evolving and transforming, realized the program need to be revamped to meet the desires of the new generation. Say goodbye to the Vive Ball and rev up the 3 in 1 format a little. Now the class reminds me of a BodyAttack/CXWorks combo.

The first part of the class is moderate intensity cardio but that intensity is layered so the participants can work at their level. You can keep it grounded or let it go all out high impact jumping jacks...or a mix of all. It seems like there are quite a few of the moves from other Les Mills formats like BodyStep, BodyCombat and even BodyAttack. You will find yourself breathless, trust me!

The next part of the class is focused on strength and core and utilizes the handled resistance tubes to work the legs, glutes, back, shoulders etc. Your core is engaged the entire time for stability and you can really feel it. And finally on the floor for traditional core work with crunches, planks, pushups.

After a cool down and stretch you are sent on your way with a 400-600 calorie deficit! My opinion is that BodyVive is the most underrated of the Les Mills lineup of classes so if it's offered at your gym, check it out. You won't be disappointed!

***EDIT***I also would recommend this class to those who have not exercised in a while and those who are new to group exercise classes. The way the class is choreographed, the moves are simpler and slower than other formats and then the more advanced and higher intensity option are added if you care to up the intensity. It is YOUR workout and you will find participants at all levels. Just have fun!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

21 Day Fix: Total Body Cardio Fix

I had posted my experience with the 21 Day Fix after following the nutrition plan for 7 days but I had not tried the DVD exercises that are included in the plan. My challenge for this week was to do the workouts included in the plan. Since I belong to a gym and I am a self-proclaimed group exercise junkie, I have not had much success with working out at home or even by myself. During the first seven days, I kept my regular workout schedule.

This morning I did the first exercise on the DVD titled Total Body Cardio Fix. It is approximately 30 minutes of 1 minute interval training, including abdominal exercises and cool down. I can tell you that you can work up a sweat for sure! Any level of fitness can do these workouts as there are modifications if you cannot do a certain exercise. Since I still have quite a bit of weight to lose and have had a knee injury before, I did use the modification for the cross-country skiing interval and still had a great workout. And here is the proof...
Not too shabby for 30 minutes! While it will not replace my regular gym time, Total Body Cardio Fix will be my go to if I need a quick workout and cannot make it to the gym for one of my beloved classes and it's nice to know that it is there. I will also be doing the rest of the included exercises  potions of the plan and will let you know what I think.

If you would like your own copy and join me on this journey, you can purchase it here.

Monday, June 15, 2015

7 of 21 Days Completed

Last week, I decided to jump in and commit to Beachbody's 21 Day Fix® nutrition plan. To be completely honest, I thought that the Challenge pack that I purchased was a little "gimmicky". How can little, and I do mean little, color-coded containers really make a difference?

Well here goes....Drumroll...In the first 7 days using these tools, I lost 6 pounds! I was a little surprised especially since there was a family birthday dinner, a Friday night stress relieving "Porch Party" with wine and then on Saturday, Yoga on the Wine Trail. Yes more wine! At least the wine tasting was after a Vinyasa Flow practice. I am beyond pleased with the initial results and looking forward to the next 14 days.

Like I said in my last post, I was impressed with the basics of the plan and that it was not a low calorie, low fat, low carb, etc "diet" but a nutrition plan consisting of 40% Carbs, 30% Protein and 30% Fat. That is a great well-rounded and sustainable macro breakdown that kept me satisfied and did not feel like I was on a "diet". The Challenge pack included sample menu plans that you can use to plan your meals, snacks and treats and were very helpful.

Also pictured in the Challenge pack is Shakeology, advertised as "The Healthiest Meal of the Day®" . I had tried it a few years ago and was not a fan of the Chocolate as I felt it was a little gritty. I had read others had the same thoughts but the Vegan Chocolate was really good so I decided to try it again. I really like the Vegan Chocolate. It is smoother and not as gritty as the regular and I have incorporated into my plan after my workout as a recovery snack. What really was a game changer was the purchase of a sample pack of all of the different flavors. Wow! Vanilla blended with coffee, almond milk and ice was like the big coffee house Frapp. Yesterday I tried the Greenberry blended with water, lemon juice and blueberries was a tangy, yet sweet and refreshing. Next up are the Strawberry flavors.  I see myself purchasing alternating flavors in the future so that I can enjoy the variety.

This week, my challenge will be to try out the workout DVDs included in the 21 Day Fix. They are only 30 minutes so I should be able to incorporate into my day.

If you would like to come along with me to improve your nutrition and become a healthier you, let me know. Shoot me an email or visit my Beachbody page for more information or to jump right in. The 21 Day Fix Challenge pack, including Shakeology, is on special for the rest of June or you can just try Shakeology alone or the 21 Day Fix without Shakeology.

"The perfect time to make a good choice is right this second." ~JillFit Physiques

Monday, June 8, 2015

21 Day Fix

When I started this blog, I wanted to review some nutrition trends and "diets". I placed the word diets in quotations because they never work unless it is something that can be maintained long term and is a well rounded plan. I will not be trying any fasts, pills or "detoxes" as I do not want to mess with my own metabolism.

I had a few of my Facebook friends talk about Beachbody's 21 Day Fix and thought it deserved a try to see what it's all about. I am impressed with its well rounded nutrition plan combined with exercise so I am going to commit to the first 21 Days of the eating plan. I have a gym membership and already have cardio, strength and mind/body workouts in my routine so the review of the exercise portion of the program will be limited. It has been said that you lose weight in the kitchen and get fit in the gym and I am proof positive of that!
The basics of the program is to build a balanced and portion controlled diet using color coded containers. Green is non-starchy veggies, Purple for fruit, Red for lean protein, Yellow for grains, beans and starchy veggies, Blue for cheese, hummus, avocado and raw nuts, and finally Orange for dressings, raw seeds and chopped nuts. You use a calculation provided to determine your calorie range to safely lose weight and then how many of each of the color coded containers to consume each day to get the recommended calories. I am impressed with the calorie range they assigned as it reasonable as not to interfere with my metabolism. And no, you do not have to eat out of the little containers but are encouraged to plate your portions so that you become aware of what a proper portion looks like and no, you do not have to purchase Shakeology. I am going to use it as a recovery "meal/snack" after my heavy workout days.

If you would like to join me as I embrace this program or any of the other Beachbody programs/products see my page, for purchasing information.

Journeys are more fun with friends.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Elephant in the Room

Yes, I am going to address the elephant in the room...My love/hate relationship with social media. Ironic since I just started this blog and Facebook page, if I do say so myself, and I really did not think I would address this issue in my blog's infancy and I really did not plan on bearing my soul but here goes!

But first, is this elephant not the cutest???
A couple weeks ago, Tess Holiday was all over the media outlets as the first "plus-sized" model signed to a mainstream modeling agency. Yesterday I read an article about an Yves Saint Laurent being pulled from Elle magazine in the UK after the model was deemed too thin. I am not going to reveal my thoughts on either models' physique and I read many comments on both stories supportive and cruel. What stands out to me are the cruel comments. "That girl needs to eat a salad." "Give that girl a cheeseburger." You know what? I eat salads and still struggle with keeping the pounds off. The really thin girl at the gym? Do you know that she limits her cardio and concentrates on strength training so she does not lose any muscle and hopes to gain some muscle mass? Do you know the health issues the other petite and thin woman has and it's a miracle that she is able to workout at all and the gentle Yoga class is all she can do? I sometimes wonder who says these things behind my back when I read these comment and see posts of people without the "Perfect Body" being made the butt of jokes. Think before you leave a comment, "like" or share something on any Social Media platform. Those without that perfect body, or even those with body dysmorphia, see and sometimes feel every one of them as a personal dig.

Now I am going to go eat a salad. Not because anyone thinks I should but because I actually like salads!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

POUND: Rockout.Workout.

Yesterday my schedule was a little crazy and I did not get to the gym in the morning as I usually do.  I have to take care of myself first and get my workout done in the morning because if I put it off, it usually does not happen as other "things" just get in the way.

I did not let that happen yesterday and went in for a noon POUND: Rockout.Workout. class. The class is a 45 minute rockin' good time...although my hip flexors might disagree! The class participants use Ripstix to pound out the beat while doing squats, lunges and other pilates-type core work to awesome upbeat music. The instructor told us that it was impossible to break these Ripstix so feel free to hit hard and get any stress and aggression out. And what is the way to tell that is is an effective workout? When your abs hurt when you laugh and you are wishing for an handicapped accessible toilet because it hurts too much to sit down!
As with most group exercise classes, there are levels and modifications for those participants who do not have the flexibility or have injuries that prevent them from deep squats or lunges or have a weaker core. Look for a class near you or, if you prefer to workout at home, there are DVDs for sale too at http://getpound.com/?c=I86Lx1

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Group Exercise Junkie

Yes, I confess...I am a Group Exercise Junkie and proud of it! For those readers who do not know me, I will tell you that I am the least competitive person ever. I am the stereotypical middle sister, never the one to be in the spotlight, always happy to be on the sidelines. On one of my previous attempts to get fit in my early 30's, I joined a gym and decided to try a Step Aerobic class. I walked into that room with this in my head. "I am going to hate this"..."I hate all these perky women and I especially hate that perky instructor". I introduced myself to this hated instructor, Vicki, and told her that I was a newbie. She took me by the arm and took me outside the room to show me the schedule and explained that the class I was walking into was not a beginner class but she did not want me to leave but just try to keep moving. She set up a Step for me, no risers, right in the thick of it surrounded by all these other hated perky women. My goal was to not fall off the Step and make a fool out of myself. I did not fall and I decided to come back...this time to a beginner class. And I kept on returning to these classes surrounded by these hated perky women and it took me all of 3-4 classes to figure out that these perky women were not so hated and were the most encouraging and supportive group of people I have ever met. We laughed together, they cheered me on and celebrated milestones with me. I owe that perky and hated instructor, Vicki, a lot for her welcoming and encouraging manner and knowing that if I walked out of that class without trying it, I would never be back.

Fast forward quite a few years after job changes, marriage and a move to a new office that happened to be right across a grassy berm from the old Gold's Gym Ashburn. I started a new membership and again walked into that Group Exercise room as a newbie but with a different attitude. No hatred anymore of the perky instructors and class participants and a renewal of my love of Group Exercise classes. I will be reviewing the classes offered at our gym over the next couple weeks and hope that someone will get inspired to make that first walk into that Group Exercise room.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Hello and Thanks for Reading!

This past January, I decided to get back to a healthy lifestyle and lose some of this weight that seemed to creep on again.  I joined my gym's 12 week Challenge and lost 20 pounds through changing my eating habits.  I did not follow any particular diet but ate healthy and mindful trying adjust not only how much I ate, but the quality of the food also. My ultimate goal is to lose 54 pounds by my 54th birthday that is at the end of October. #54by54

Recently, I have been seeing a lot of posts on social media about different exercise programs, gadgets, and nutrition trends and decided to start this blog to review these different eating plans and exercise choices from the point of view of a real person who struggles with sticking to a healthy lifestyle and keeping the weight off.

If there are any programs or technology you would like me to review, let me know.