Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Starfish Story: Every 1 Matters

From July 16-18th, there was an event in Nashville sponsored by Beachbody called "Summit" where many thousands of Beachbody Coaches got together to learn about new Beachbody products and how to grow their business. There were "Celebrity Trainers" in attendance including some names you might know including Tony Horton of P90X fame, Chalene Johnson, Shaun T and Autumn Calabrese. All the bigwigs, including Beachbody's CEO, were there. While the new products being released this year are awesome and I am looking forward to trying many of them, the event was held to celebrate the successes of so many. Not just the Gazillion Star Diamond Coaches who are amazing at what they do but the individuals who Beachbody Coaches have helped. One of the ongoing themes of this Summit was "Every 1 Matters". During the opening session, the CEO of the company came out in a starfish costume and made reference of to The Starfish Story and how Beachbody was similar to the young lady in the story.

What a great analogy and the theme was carried throughout. Many stories were told of folks gaining control of their lives and thanking their interaction with that one person, in particular their Beachbody Coach, who told them that they matter. During the live workouts on Saturday morning that were streamed On-Demand, I saw hundreds of people in the streets of downtown Nashville. There were men and women, some fit and others not so fit, all together united in fitness. Some looked just like me...And they were out there in the Nashville street right up front of that stage doing their best to do the moves like the trainers were instructing. Like they mattered. Later that afternoon, I saw a picture of Tony Horton with one of his sayings on his t-shirt, "Do Your Best and Forget The Rest". This is so true! Not all of us can be "The Best" but we can do our best.

One of the highlights for me during the Closing Ceremony was the announcement of the 2015 Beachbody Challenge winners. All of the finalists had amazing transformations. Some lost a lot of weight and changed their body composition using Beachbody's products but all of them came to the realization that they mattered. They were worth it. They mattered to themselves, they mattered to their loved ones.

So the next time you think about why you are focusing on your health and wellness, remember that you matter. Every1matters. Reach out to like-minded people who understand your doubts and struggles. Whether it be a Beachbody Coach like me, or someone else for support and help in reaching your goals. Before I started with Beachbody, I had, and still do, a wonderful support system at my gym full of like-minded individuals who encourage me and help me back up when I stumble and fall...Sometimes literally! So, show up, "Do Your Best and Forget the Rest". And reach out to me anytime you need any support with a Beachbody program or even any other program you may be using because you do matter!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

CizeItUp (Dance Fitness) is almost here

If I did not try them, I would never have believed I would like to workout at home to any exercise DVD. When I started the 21 Day Fix I really thought that I would not feel anything from the included plan workouts but was I wrong. They were as intense as any workout I have done in the gym.

Now Shaun T, from Beachbody's Insanity, Hip Hop Abs and T25 fame, is coming out with a new Dance Fitness exercise program called CIZE. Being a Club member of Team Beachbody, I was able to have a sneak peak into the program on-demand. I always say that I am a typical "middle-aged white woman" and I cannot dance but took the challenge to try CIZE out. Now I still cannot dance but boy was it fun trying and I am sure that I burned some extra calories by laughing trying to get the moves. After the step-by-step instruction from Shaun T, and a few run- throughs of the complete dance, my heart rate monitor showed a 445 calorie burn. And even better was that I was able to do it in the privacy of my living room! I am so excited for the launch of this program and am going to start up a Private Facebook Challenge Group on August 1st for anyone who wants to join me in sharing your experience with the program as it hits the ground running. I might even get the video camera out and record myself as I run through the program with everyone so we can all share in the laughter! Here is a link to my CIZE Dance Party Test Group and I will send you purchasing details as soon as it is available and add you to the private Challenge Group page.

Here is a video clip from another Beachbody Coach who had the chance to be part of the Cize test group. Maybe someday I will be able to dance like her but in the meantime, I am going to have fun trying!
(Fast forward to 1:48 to see the actual routine!)

As always, feel free to email me with any questions or comment below.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Are you your own worst critic?

I know I am. A couple weeks ago I went to a yoga event and there were pictures taken during the practice. When I saw a picture of me in Warrior I pose that was posted on a Social Media site, I did not see how low and square my hips were. I only saw my stomach. Then I saw how my shoulders were bunched up around my ears and not open. Instead of rejoicing that I was able to go to this event and participate in a Flow Yoga practice with my sister-in-law and a friend, I focused on the negative. And it happened again yesterday. I had a session with my personal trainer who had me run a timed mile on the treadmill followed by an upper body weight training sequence. As I faced the mirror and looked at my reflection to do shoulder presses with 20 lb dumbbells, the first thing I saw was my fat stomach. And then I got angry with myself which brought the tears to my eyes just like they are now as I am writing this. Why can I not see and celebrate the 25 pounds I lost since the end of January? Why can I not celebrate the fact that I was able to ride my bike the ~2 miles to the gym and then run/walk a 13-plus minute mile? What can I not celebrate the fact that I have two 20 pound dumbbells that I am going to do shoulder presses with? All pretty good accomplishments, if I do say so myself!

I made a vow to myself to stop the negative self-talk, acknowledge my progress and see myself like others see me. My progress might be slow and the line might not be linear, but the number on the scale is going down and the weights I am lifting are going up. And I am going to use that Warrior I as a training tool and will open my heart and rejoice in the fact that I am healthy and happy. No need to bunch up those shoulders!

So be proud of each step you take and tell your mind to SHUT UP!