Sunday, May 1, 2016

Meet me at the Bar

It has been a while since my last blog entry and thought I would get back to what I intended when I started this blog...Exploration of different fitness programs.

As I have gotten older, the bar has changed a little and the bar that I most likely will be meeting you at will be the Body Pump bar at Gold's Gym, my home away from home. And now it seems the bar has shifted again...This time to the Barre!

I was asked by our GGX director to film a Barre Fit class to use in their training so I packed up trusty little video camera and tripod and headed over to Gold's Sterling for Friday morning's class. Barre is one of the classes I have never tried at our gym so, as long as I was going to be there recording, I might just as well take the class too. 

There were about 10 ladies there of varied ages and fitness levels. We got out mats, some light weights and a long foam roller and lined up at the Barres. The music started and we warmed up with some spinal mobility stretches and different squat positions to warm up the legs and core. We then utilized the Barre for some balance where we did a full body workout that was core focused and worked the quads, glutes and even your arms and abs all to fun and upbeat music and an energetic instructor. Small concentrated isometric movements and holds had your muscles burning and the sweat beads forming. It is definitely not a dance class and seems similar to a pilates class but you are standing for the majority of the class. It really is a class that anyone can do.

All in all, it really surprised me and I enjoyed it. If there were more hours in the day for me to spend in the gym, I would add it to my class rotation! If you are looking for something different and challenging, try it out for yourself and let me know what you think!