Monday, June 24, 2019

I'm Back with a Revisit of my 2019 Goals

It has been over a year since my last blog post on this page...And I am back again to try this thing at blogging again in hopes that it keeps me accountable, if nothing else.

Here it is already the end of June. Halfway through 2019. I had set some goals for myself for the first half of 2019 and happy to say that I did succeed in accomplishing two of them.

  1.  I followed through on my goal of becoming Aqua-Fitness certified and have been teaching regularly at the local HOA pool. Aqua-fitness has become a passion for me especially when I see the joy on some of the folks faces in the pool and also the groans when I have the do more than they really want to! 
  2. I also stepped way out of my comfort zone and also got certified for Les Mills Sprint, HIIT using a Spin Bike as a tool. Yes, the girl who said that I would never certify in a Les Mills format after filming more certification videos for so many formats did just that! And serves again as a reminder to NEVER SAY NEVER!

I decided to focus on the two goals that I accomplished rather than the ones I did not...The big one was to get my weight back under control...I am the same weight as I was in I guess that is a plus in that I have not continued to gain weight. I recommitted last week by joining a Dietbet and am one week into the 4 week bet. I hope that I can at least win my buy-in money back! So, back to drinking my water, logging my meals and focusing on Water First and Veggies Most. Wish me luck!

Today is also going to be the re-commitment to finish a Beachbody program. I have been slacking a little and with the release of a Sample workout of a new program coming out at the end of July, Morning Meltdown 100, I am re-energized. I will be COMMITTING to 100 Workouts and plan to complete them before we go on our Bermuda Cruise in October. In the meantime, I am going to do a hodgepog of workouts at the gym and at home and will focus on HIIT cardio and Strength using Sprint and a combo of LIIFT4 and P90x Live. That is my plan and I am energized!

Here's to a great second half of 2019!