Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Striving for Moderation

For as long as I have remembered, and have the family slides to prove it, I have always had some extra weight on me and have struggled with it. My entire adulthood, and even now at 53 years old, I still find myself battling yet again. What? Another "diet plan"? But this time, with some help from Beachbody and a couple other bloggers I have been following, I am not on a diet. I am following a healthy and balanced nutrition plan where there are no "Not Allowed" foods. You can make the choice to eat whatever you want...Everything in Moderation, or as Jill Coleman, my new BFF, coined #moderation365. 

Right now, I am sitting outside of our little camper at 6:30 in the morning in the middle of a field in WV on day 5 of a 10 day vacation. I am reflecting on the nutritional choices I have made these past few days and, all in all, I have done well. Maybe a few more peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets than I should have gone with but I made that choice and I own it. This annual vacation, a camping reunion party with about 1500 people usually throws me off of the proverbial wagon and I crash and burn. I eat and drink whatever I want to for 10 glorious days. That is not entirely a problem but I never have been able to drag myself back up onto that wagon. That is where this year is a little different. I am more conscious of the choices I am making. Thinking and planning these choices. Yes, last night I did have a couple glasses of wine and wonderfully good cheese. My choice, no regrets. Life is too short not to be able to enjoy good wine and cheese. Especially with good friends! For the next 5 days, I will have more choices to make and when I get back home to a more structured environment, I will still be on that wagon. I will get back to my fitness and clean and balanced nutrition plan not because I have to but because that is who I am becoming. healthy and fit, both in body and mind. "Get your mind right and your physique will follow" #mindsetmakeover This will NOT be me ever again!