Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day One of New Program

I started a new Beachbody program by Chalene Johnson called PiYo. Well, it's a new program to me! I am pretty excited as I really enjoy a class I take at my gym that is a blend of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates and find it a awesome strength and core workout. I am still going to be following the 21 Day Fix Clean Eating nutrition plan and solidifying the fundamentals I have learned over the last few months and do some weight training at the gym. The beauty of PiYo is not needing any additional equipment other than a yoga mat. Only having a set of 5lb dumbbells really limited me in the exercise portion of the 21 Day Fix.

My PiYo set contained 5 DVD's.
  • Align: The Fundamentals, Define: Lower and Upper Body and Sweat 
  • Core, Buns and Strength Intervals 
  • Drench, Sculpt and a bonus TurboFire HIIT workout 
  • Strength, using slides
  • Hardcore on the Floor
Since today was the first day, I completed the first portion on the first DVD, "The Fundamentals". Chalene introduced the program and had 3 participants demonstrated the poses and moves for approximately 40 minutes. As with the 21 Day Fix, there is a participant who does the lower difficulty options as well as one doing the more advanced moves. Chalene really explains the poses well and shows the correct and incorrect alignment. If you are new to yoga, I would suggest doing this in front of a mirror where you can see your alignment. I have personally been in a yoga class where my alignment was corrected by the instructor ad I thought I was doing everything correctly. There are a couple moves that I am not only going to have to gain strength but confidence to do and will be a challenge for sure. The first is the PiYo flip and the second is the Beast to the Kick through...Here's a demo from Chalene herself!

Would love to have someone join me in my PiYo journey! Shoot me an email or comment if you want in.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Are you "On a Diet"?

Are you "on a diet"? As I mentioned before, I have been "on" many diets for as long I can remember. As many diets I have been "on", there are that many diets that I have been "off". I think the problem with "diet" plans, is that they are not sustainable long term.  Will you lose weight on a grilled chicken and steamed asparagus diet?  How about eating Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers frozen entrees and 100 calorie packs?  We even did a baked potato diet at one time. Yes, lost weight each and every time and guess what?  That lost weight was found again...and quickly after I went back to me normal eating habits.

The road I am traveling on this time is more of a winding road. It started the end of January when my weight crept back up almost to my highest. I knew I had to go about this a different way. I signed up for a personal trainer for 6 months. Ally not only worked out my body but my mind also. We talked nutrition. She lent me a Tosca Reno Clean Eating book and I started changing my mindset. When our contract was up, I decided to start this blog and that's where the road curved a little.  I ordered the 21 Day Fix from Beachbody.  Yes, another "diet" plan. But this plan was a little different as it really is clean eating simplified by using different color coded containers to balance out your nutritional macros. And I highly recommend it to anyone new to the clean eating concept and to get your portions back under control. While I do not use the little containers any longer and count colors, I still am eating a 30/40/40 macro split and am smart in the choices I am making.

I mentioned Jill Coleman of JillFit in a previous post and I so totally believe in what she preaches...Moderation365 and also figuring out what your "non-negotiables" are. Hers are half and half in her coffee, good cheese and fine wine. Mine...they are a little broader as I am still new to the game and figuring it all out. Last week, my husband and I wanted pizza for dinner so we went out to a local pizza joint and had pizza. This time, I only had 2 slices and was mindful about it. I was satisfied and proud that I did not have 4 slices that would have happened earlier this year. In general terms, pizza with white flour crust is not "Fix-Approved", a term thrown around the message boards discussing the plan but I made the choice to go "off-plan" and it was all okay. I did not gain 40 pounds back because of it. My efforts in losing this weight was not wasted nor my results affected by going "off-plan" for a meal...And I am still slowly losing weight. It is my choice to work at this lifestyle change and lose the weight slowly while still enjoying myself. And I do find joy in eating pizza with my husband...And even a Slider and wine lunch with dear friends like I had yesterday afternoon.