Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Here we go again, part deux!

Well, it's been over a year since I posted on this blog but wanted to get started again as I, yet again, restarted my diet plan. This has been a real struggle lately and COVID-19 has not helped. With the gyms being closed and not being able to teach my classes, exercise has gone to the wayside and with that, all of my healthy eating that I had been trying to make a habit.

I started out good back in March and when the gyms closed and I either walked or did an exercise on-demand at home nearly every day. But, I got bored....and fell off the wagon big time. All of my disordered eating habits started all at once. In the beginning of the pandemic, I said that I was not going to gain the COVID-19 pounds...and I did not. Make that the COVID-30 lbs...or close to it! I hit the highest number on the scale I have ever seen and hit a all-time low in my motivation and confidence which compounded everything. 

I was looking at myself on a Zoom call last week with friends and could not see past the fat rolls on my belly. I decided enough is enough and I cannot continue to let this go on. I had talked to a gym friend of mine who has lost close to 50 lbs since January and figured if she can do it, I can too. Listening to the strategies that she used, it was so close to the 2B Mindset program that Beachbody developed with Ilana Muhlstein, MS, RDN. Ilana has become a sought-after weight loss expert. Ilana sits on the prestigious Executive Leadership Team for the American Heart Association and leads the Bruin Health Improvement Program at UCLA. She has also lost 100 pounds and kept it off using the 2B Mindset strategies. 

This past Sunday morning, I got up and stepped on the scale. I pulled out my journal. I drank my water first and started logging my food intake. While I have not been getting in enough Veggies over the last couple days, I have been mindful of what I have been eating and drinking and writing it down. Drinking all the water and nixing a lot of the starchy carbs that cause me to retain water, I can happily say that at the start of Day 3, I have lost 5 ponds of that water retention! That is a motivation boost for sure! While I said that I was going to start a Beachbody workout program this week, I changed my mind and decided to focus on the nutrition part first. I have been going to the pool at the gym and am starting to teach my Aqua classes again but only occasionally. I am going to add Aqua classes in first...practice my routines and be kind to my joints until I get some more weight off. (My right knee has been a little angry with me which is another reason I decided to buckle down.) 

So, if you have been reading my posts last year, thanks and welcome to part 2 of my blog! If you are a new reader, welcome! This will be raw and real. No sugar-coated writings on how wonderful this journey is because I know that it will be a long and not just windy road. There will be bumps along the way. There may be a few detours but hope that they are not hard bumps or long detours. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me!

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