Wednesday, July 3, 2019

You Can't Out Train Poor Nutrition

I have no problem with either getting to the gym and I have even become comfortable working out on my own using Beachbody on Demand or practicing the programs that I teach in the gym. Where I fail majorly is in the nutrition arena. I have been overweight my whole life...and sometimes even can say that I am obese. Yes, even now, I am almost at my heaviest weight. Now, I can lose weight when I follow a strict plan and have done all of the A to WW plans out there. I also have found all of the pounds that I lost and picked up a few more along the way for good measure.

What I really like about all of the Beachbody programs is that there is a nutrition plan included with them all with the goals of losing weight or maintaining...And none are under 1200 calories! Another thing I really like is that they are real and whole food based using food that you buy in the grocery store. It also has guidelines for people who live a plant-based life whether Vegetarian or Vegan. Beachbody does have it's popular nutritional supplement shake, Shakeology, but it is not a required element to the plan. I'll write about my much loved Shakeo in a later post. The plan included with MM100 seems simple enough and a friend who was in the program test group said it really was simple. Depending on your goal and your starting weight, you find your calorie bracket and follow the meal guidelines with recipes in the book. As you can see, you can also decide to follow the 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix plans. I have not decided on which way to start. I have both of those plans too but think that using those gimmicky colored container for portion control and macro balance is what I need.
So, I will be getting those containers out and utilizing the 100's of recipes that come with all the programs that use the container system, the cookbooks Fixate I and II and the ones on the Fixate channel On Demand. I hope my hubby will like the experimentation that I will be doing!

Follow along on my journey and I will share some if my new favorite recipes.

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